Which Brand of Garage Door Opener Is Best?

When determining which brand of garage door opener is the best, you first need to to know what type of opener you need or want. Then you can look at the different brands to see which is best for your purpose. A reputable garage door company can go over the type of openers and which is most suitable for your garage.

On Track Garage Doors serves Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess Counties. Our company has a team of experienced technicians and installers who can go over the different garage door openers we offer and how they suit your home. On Track Garage Doors has over 35 years of experience in garage door installations and repairs.

Types of Garage Door Openers

There are 4 types of garage door openers. Each one has benefits and disadvantages. The first and most common garage door opener is chain-driven. Chain-driven openers operate by using a metal chain to open and close the garage door. They are typically very durable and affordable, but also may produce a lot of noise.

An alternative to chain-driven is belt-driven garage door openers. Built on the same premise as chain-driven, they instead use a rubber belt to move the trolley which moves the door up and down. They tend to be quieter than chain-driven, but do cost more. The higher initial cost is offset by the reduced need for maintenance.

Screw-driven openers are very fast. These openers operate by utilizing a threaded steel rod that wire wraps around to pull the door open, and unravels to drop the door back down. Also, reliable and durable, they do require a bit more maintenance. Additionally, they cannot handle larger or heavier doors so are only suitable for single-car garage doors.

The last type of garage door opener is the jackshaft, or wall-mounted, opener. This type of opener turns a torsion bar using a series of pulleys and cables driven by a motor to open and close the garage door. This is the most expensive option for garage door openers, but they do save space and work on all door types.

Garage Door Opener Installation

The installation of your garage door opener should be handled by a professional. Improper installation can result in the garage door falling and causing harm to you, your family, vehicles, or your garage itself. It is best not to risk such a potential negative outcome.

On Track Garage Doors offers installation for all garage door openers, and they can help ensure you choose the right one for your existing garage door, or we can help you replace the garage door, too. Contact us today to go over your installation options.